Regenerative farming is a holistic approach to agriculture that prioritizes soil health, environmental conservation, and community well-being. Unlike conventional farming practices, regenerative farming works in harmony with nature, encouraging biodiversity, and reducing the need for harmful chemicals and tilling. This approach seeks to restore the balance of carbon emissions and carbon sequestration in our vineyards, and create an ecosystem that thrives from the ground up.

At AVIVO, we understand that the future of winemaking is deeply intertwined with the preservation and enhancement of our environment, as well as the well-being of our people and communities. That's why we're committed to regenerative farming practices that focus on sustainability, biodiversity, and the reduction of our carbon footprint.

So, what exactly is regenerative farming, and why does it matter?

At the core of regenerative farming is the pursuit of becoming carbon sequestrative. Carbon sequestration refers to the process by which carbon dioxide is captured from the atmosphere and stored in the soil or plants, thus mitigating the greenhouse effect. On the other hand, carbon emissions contribute to global warming and climate change. Regenerative farming practices help us minimize our carbon emissions while maximizing the sequestration potential of our vineyards.

But the benefits don't stop there…

  • The health of AVIVO’s vineyards directly affects the quality of the wines we produce. Regenerative farming practices, such as cover cropping, composting, and minimal intervention methods, result in nutrient-rich soils, which, in turn, create healthier vines and grapes. This natural abundance translates to vibrant, complex, and terroir-driven wines that truly showcase the unique character of our land.

    Our commitment to sustainability goes beyond creating exceptional wines—it's about protecting the environment, promoting biodiversity, and enhancing lives. Together, we can sip joyfully, knowing we're supporting a better future for our vineyards, communities, and the world.

  • At AVIVO, we believe regenerative farming benefits not only the environment but also the people and communities involved. Here's how:

    Food Security: Healthy soils and resilient crops ensure a reliable food supply for locals.

    Economic Growth: Supporting smaller farms and creating jobs help communities thrive.

    Education and Empowerment: Regenerative farming inspires individuals to preserve the environment and support their local communities.

    By embracing these practices, we can all raise a glass to a more sustainable and inclusive future!

  • At AVIVO, we believe regenerative farming creates healthier, more enjoyable wines for everyone. Here's why:

    Purer Expression of terroir: regenerative farming techniques prioritize the health of our vines and soils, fostering vibrant ecosystems and producing grapes that genuinely reflect the essence of our terroir. By nurturing strong, resilient vines, we minimize the need for chemical interventions, ensuring that our wines are as pure and natural as possible

    Organic & Biodynamic: By avoiding chemicals and embracing regenerative farming, we offer clean, enjoyable wines for health-conscious consumers.

    Nutrient-rich: Healthy soils result in grapes packed with beneficial compounds like polyphenols and antioxidants, touted for their potential health benefits, like anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties.

    Together, let's toast to a healthier, more sustainable wine experience!

Back to the root of farming

The principles of regenerative farming principles are not new or revolutionary. They represent a return to the age-old wisdom that guided agriculture for centuries before the rise of industrialization and commercialization.

Throughout history, farmers have relied on techniques like crop rotation, composting, and natural pest control to maintain healthy soils and ecosystems. These practices were grounded in an intimate understanding of the interconnectedness between land, plants, animals, and humans.

The intensification of agriculture in the 20th century led to the widespread adoption of chemical inputs, heavy machinery, and monoculture farming. While these innovations initially increased crop yields, they also had unintended consequences, such as soil degradation, loss of biodiversity, and climate change.

Regenerative farming seeks to address these issues by reviving traditional agricultural practices and adapting them to the modern world. It acknowledges that our well-being is inextricably linked to the health of our soils, ecosystems, and communities.

Certified glyphosate free

AVIVO wines are certified glyphosate free, meaning that the grapes used in our production have not been exposed to glyphosate, a synthetic herbicide commonly used in conventional agriculture. This is significant to consumers because glyphosate has been linked to potential health concerns, such as cancer, and environmental damage.

As one of only three wineries in the world with this certification, AVIVO wines are a safer alternative for wine lovers who are mindful of their well-being and the impact of their choices on the planet. By choosing AVIVO, you can enjoy your favorite beverage without worrying about ingesting potentially harmful chemicals or contributing to the degradation of the environment.

Our Vineyards

AVIVO's commitment to consistent quality shines as we source our grapes from the same trusted vineyards each year, ensuring exceptional fruit quality and a steadfast dedication to sustainable farming practices that benefit both the environment and your taste buds.